Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Rafest 13


i wanna write about Raudhah Festival 13.... ok, i dont know where to begin, okay.... the kemuncak day is on 22nd Feb until 24th Feb 2013. So, okay so lets learn one ayat al Quran... wamakaru wamakarallah, wallahu khairummakirin, meaning, they plan, and Allah SWT plans, Allah SWT is the best planners. yeah... actually there are some good and bad stories.... we are human right? nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. Okay, what can i get when involve in this big occasion.... i was in the sponsorship, liaison and visitors bureau. Worked with, boss Syahmi, Nik, Danash, Aziz, Kak Aishah, Kak Amalina, Kak Azah, Kak Hani, Iylia and Mimi. For me it was the first time have to do that kind of work.... cannot describe lebih2, alhamdulillah, i could gain knowledge and experiences to work with outsiders. Enough for that, on, friday night, went for talk at masjid. the panels are ustaz Don and ustaz Salman. Then moved to AMF watch concert. Met with old friends.... AJ, shakila. The next day, help Eyah wrapped hamper. Then, listen to talk, from Wajih Zakuan, Farid's brother and ustaz Majid.... very interesting, then went to gombak.... very tired. Met with Teah and Ika, i mean at PJ. Alhamdulillah. What else? ada hot air balloon, stalls, i went to econss stall for so many time. On Sunday.... i got the chance to play paintball best giler.... with Atiqah, Aimi, Dini and Alia....best sngt. Nak maen lagi, then, tolong hias hall untuk closing ceremony. Suddenly something happened.... this rafest gave me many lessons. ada yg happy ada yg sedih smpai  xde mood. macam macam laaaa. Ikhlaskan diri dalam apa jua kebaikan yg kita lakukan. do appreciate people around you, even though their job are not so big or ibarat semut je....still in sedih mood. Very happy moment with special unit members, Ezzatul, Atiqah, Nina, Tyha, Eyah, Zawani, Fathiah, Mimi....ukhuwwah till jannah....................

Wednesday, 20 February 2013



Today i would like to share my story but in malay because, its sound better in malay,  yeah, actually i wanna share about last night, i went to PJ, to accompany nina, nina duty untuk catering untuk event public speaking yg diadakan di lecture hall A. Masa mula2 smpai tu, ada memeber of the society, yg tegur, "Gombak ea?".... Daniel pun x abis2" Gombakian?"...x so, when nina was doing her duty, i just stay in the cold hall, doing math. Then x pasal2 kne ambik gambar. x de kne mengena dengan saya pun... hmmmm, x pe lah rezeki.... Then, bila event dah habis, mostly committee yg dkt hall pun kluarkan homework  masing2 . PM rafest pun ada kat situ. pastu Presiden pun tnya "Gombak kan?".... wahhhh terharu la dorang dapat detect kitorang yg jauh ni, meeting pun x dpt nk join. Actually, nk citer dlm hall tu, sy dapat rasakan la dorang dah macam family.... walaupun jawatan ibarat dinosour dgn jawatan ibarat semut, dorang still borak sesama mereka yang ada dekat hall, including me and nina... barula best camni.... tu je... mesti x de orang yg faham citer nie kn?... bagus... mmg x nk bagi org lain faham pun. Only me can understand what i have wrote....

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Sharing knowledge


alhamdulillah, finally i got the chance to write back something to be shared with ikhwah wa akhawat out there.....

last week, i went to mersing with my scouts members

for my beautiful Malaysia's programme. A lot of experience we gain, even tired, but it worth....we can also eratkan ukhuwwah, met with sis and bro from Kuantan and also main campus Gombak, PJ also.

other than that, i would like to promote, or to ajak all people to come to Raudhah Festival, on 22 - 24 Feb. Act my job have still not done yet, quite worry, but i must try my best, doakan saya ..... agar semuanya berjalan lancar. AMEEN......


ok, i would like to share a little bit knowledge that i got from a book that is beduk diketuk, i really wanna read that book, and thought to buy it with BB1M. ok the first topic tell us about "tahu" and "sedar" is  two different thing. Ok, from my understanding la kan, i gave example, we learn Basic Themes of al Quran, than of course we got the knowledge, meaning that we know the thing e.g we cannot backbitting, it is sinful, but if we just hafal or know that thing just only to answer the exam, than that is the different between knowing and realizing. If we really realise that ilmu, than we apply it in our life not only in exam paper. So, all the thing we had in our mind, we must put it it our heart also. ok thats enough la for this time, thank you