Tuesday, 25 August 2015



           Okay.. lately... when I scrolled my fb and ig,,....I saw my friends went for travelling... they really benefits their semester break.. Some of my friends.. went to STF,.. went to Japan... 

           I would like to go for a travelling as well... but my parents not allow me to do that except if I go for University's programme... but Alhamdulillah.... since I enter the university, (cfs and undergrad).. I've been joined a few programmes sambil jln2 about 3 times.. hehe

           I just came back from Kuala Terengganu actually... x de lah baru sngt.. last week. Okay.. during CFS, I went to Mersing... for a programme but  Ican't remember the name.. we do some gotong royong around the place... with my beloved special unit friends.... thay are Ejad, Atiqah Zaki, Teha, Nina, Mimi...

           Then, Last sem, I went to Langkawi for BTN..... of course this was the best trip.. hehe because of certain reasons... I learnt a lot... one of them.. is jangan over sangat gelak.. control sikit... x baik gelak bnyk2.. aku nk jadi mcm kak Izzah...

           Lastly, of course to Terengganu... hehe... mmg best bila dpt jln2 dgn kawan2 yg sekepala nie... kitorang mmg kaki bergambar.. mmg memanfaatkan masa yg ada untuk bergambar sepuas puasnya...arachi????... ada juga yg x best

Moral of the story.. jadilah pengembara jgn jadi pelancong... hehehe bak kata Qi dlm citer The Streets.

Rasa mcm best klau pergi semua sister jeeeee . setiap trip tu ada yg best dan yg x best actually...

bersama sahibah tercinta... Fariha, Ardeela, kat langkawi ada Sapinah, Kak Fatin, kak Nahawan dan kak Anita.... gambar2 yg sopan je... yg selfie x yah laaa

Friday, 26 June 2015



First of all nak minta maaf kpd semua yg mmbaca klau ada terasa hati or saya ada buat apa2 salah...
sebenarnya nk share ilmu laaa cam biasa.. tapi not in the mood lagi.. hehe 
Rasa nk share experience je bole kn...

Sem  lepas I was in 2 nd year first sem.... waaaa dh jadi kakak... dulu saya ( kitorang) yg paling junior.. tp x lg skrg.. best juga .. dah ada adik... rindu adik2 kat stf dulu, Ilham dgn Nur, Fatimah and Nisa... "kak asma .. akak" hehe .." ye dik.. "..

Every sem Experience berbeza  right? But I think this is the best... every week busy.. pergi BTN dkt Langkawi, Handle Himega... gi kenduri Kak Alifah dgn Kak Hanim... and yg paling best is musafir sepanjang study week... musafir yg x dirancang... menjelajah dari mahallah ke mahallah... daebak... mmg best .. I've heared that kita akn kenal sikap seseorang itu when we go for musafir for three days and above... then I told my friends about that.. so, we do some experiment.. boleh laaa dpt kenal juga ouh.. dia macm ni sebenarnya... yg x elok boleh diperbetulkan.. yg dh okay boleh dikongsi apa ingredientnyaaaa.... macam tu laa nak cerita lebih2 x best pulak .. apa2 pun kita sesama manusia dijadikan untuk lata'arafu... haa ingt x ayat ni? dlm surah mana? famous kot ayat nie... nnti dh jumpa I'll write back..

Friday, 17 April 2015

muhasabah diri


Alhamdulillah for all the nikmat from Allah SWT... Allah still allow me to write this blog. Actually I would like to share some experience and the wisdom or something that I got from the event. 

Okay, this sem, I am in 2nd year first sem. This sem I've join two societies which is Journalism Club and Da'wah and Training bureau under EMSS. Alhamdulillah.... from this two clubs I've learnt a lot. Actually maybe it is something quite private or secret... but I just write... 

Actually, joining this two club is a blessing... because I cannot just study for the whole sem... I need to do something beyond the classroom. so, again alhamdulillah...

Seriously, I tell this sem is very hectic. Especially after come back from semester break. The activities was non - stop... Only Allah knew how it feels. Bukan nk mengeluh... tired, sad, happy .. all of them are nikmat... Allah knew us better. Always positive.

I would like to share about ikhtilat actually... I've never heard this word before .. until I came to UIAM... Alhamdulillah... when we work in society, we need to work with different gender. yes that's the point, since I came from all girls school, I've never experience this except at RMC...
I'm scared... My kakak halaqah said actually there is no term kawan for brother and sister... astaghfirullahhalazim...
It depend on you to agree or not... but It is important for me. I hope that I will always alert and careful about this topic.

One of the club that I've join, is quite rare. Both have different identity and sometimes I also have different identities according to the club...  .We cannot berlakon, we have to be ourselves. I love both.
I hope I can take a good care of my heart.. pray for me... Allah yang pegang hati kita, kita x de kuasa nk control hati.... Mudah mudahan niat kita join apa2 hanya untuk Allah... selalulah tajdid niat.

Maaf sangat .... mesti antum semua x faham apa yg ana tulis nie kan? maaf sangat. klau ada yg salah mohon tolong betulkan,

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Sharing is caring


Alhamdulillah... cuti sem 1 dh pun habis and the new sem will begin soon...  okay just wanna share a little bit knowledge that I've got last sem... actually this is what I wrote in my notebook.. mixture of variety types of knowledge.

First, I found note on Pearls of Luqman... this is dnt programme maybe I can say my programme hehe perasan nyeeee sister nie... for the first time I became a secretary... amazing experience. First is put in practise. Don't you ever increase your evidence before you put it in practise. Actually I think this means that we must put in practise for whatever knowledge that we obtained. You know the name of Allah but what do you do with that?. The greatest knowledge is the name and attribute of Allah SWT. Your life is meaningful when you really understand the knowledge of the name and attribute of Allah SWT.

Spread the salam, say the correct one because it is the name of Allah. The first who give salam get reward for give salam. Meet your friends shake hands. Give salam with smile not as if you are forced to give salam.

Stay away from shirk.
The right of parents. The sacrification  of parents.
You cannot say no to your parents must always say yes.
They have to receive your smile face unless your parents ask you to do things againts the command of Allah SWT.
Check your status with your parents , if you have problems, fix it for your own benefits.
You should lower your voice... speak softly.

lastly, if you want to ask something about him do not ask him but ask his friends because friend is mirror of us ...

this talk delivered by Dr. Ibrahim Nuhu

Thank you ^_^

Tuesday, 20 January 2015



Alhamdulillah....diberi peluang untuk tulis blog lagi... hehe .. tadi semangat sangat nk tulis .. sekarang macam dah  xde bnde pulak rasa nak tulis.. mungkin nkshare experience untuk last sem kot...
Actually I really wanna share knowledge esp those that I got from Kuliah tazkiyatunnafs. Inshaa Allah bila2 dlm msa terdekat nie...

   Okay this sem my life quite different... actually alhamdulillah, I got a chance to make my life like in CFS.. I've joined societies and involve in the activities... hehe actually mmg a lot of experiences lah... best pun ada stress hmmm x pyh ckp lah... tp that is reality of life... org ckp @ saya la yg selalu ckp "baru ada life".. 

   Actually bersyukur sangat dibri peluang bekerja bersama mereka2 yg hebat... rasa diri nie x layak to be with them.... X aspect langsung, aku yg ibarat semut nie dpt peluang utk kenal and worked with them...  they are very humble and kind. Bnyk ilmu...

   Hmm sebenarnye bnde yg lg penting saya belajar is about ikhtilat maybe... saya kn since form 1 until form 5 sekolah all girls, never worked with those with chromosome XY. Kecuali laa time form 5 masa gi RMC .. ( kenangan kat sana still x boleh lupakan)... .okay dh mcm lari topic pulak...
satu yg aku ingat is bnde yg kita boleh elak kita cuba elak I mean fitnah.. selagi fitnah tu boleh dielak, elakkan.. Bro Sharief yg ckp.. sbb  Rasulullah SAW pun bila brjalan dgn isteri waktu malam... bila ada sahabat lalu, Baginda beritahu bahawa Baginda berjalan dgn isteri... nie yg Bro Sharief cerita laaa... so... klau nk jmpe with different genders, mungkin lebih elok ajak la someone else teman... mmg feel not comfortable right bila dua org je dgn brother... bila berdua nnti ada yg ketiga... lagipin hati rasa x tenang, meaning bnde tu x elok boleh mmbawa dosa... aku x tau sebelum nie.. ye lah.. before nie (dkt degree) x prnh lg buat kerja dgn brothers... tu yg mcm krik2 sikit dari segi ilmu about that...

         Islam pun ajar saddu zarai' aku x reti sngt nk eja.. dlm english disebut blocking the means... aku x berani nk cerita lebih2 takut salah.. mungkin boleh tanya kepada yg lebih pakar...

maaf  x bnyk ilmu yg boleh dikogsi untuk kali ini.. 

                                      My DnT family... ^_^