Okay.. lately... when I scrolled my fb and ig,,....I saw my friends went for travelling... they really benefits their semester break.. Some of my friends.. went to STF,.. went to Japan...
I would like to go for a travelling as well... but my parents not allow me to do that except if I go for University's programme... but Alhamdulillah.... since I enter the university, (cfs and undergrad).. I've been joined a few programmes sambil jln2 about 3 times.. hehe
I just came back from Kuala Terengganu actually... x de lah baru sngt.. last week. Okay.. during CFS, I went to Mersing... for a programme but Ican't remember the name.. we do some gotong royong around the place... with my beloved special unit friends.... thay are Ejad, Atiqah Zaki, Teha, Nina, Mimi...
Then, Last sem, I went to Langkawi for BTN..... of course this was the best trip.. hehe because of certain reasons... I learnt a lot... one of them.. is jangan over sangat gelak.. control sikit... x baik gelak bnyk2.. aku nk jadi mcm kak Izzah...
Lastly, of course to Terengganu... hehe... mmg best bila dpt jln2 dgn kawan2 yg sekepala nie... kitorang mmg kaki bergambar.. mmg memanfaatkan masa yg ada untuk bergambar sepuas puasnya...arachi????... ada juga yg x best
Moral of the story.. jadilah pengembara jgn jadi pelancong... hehehe bak kata Qi dlm citer The Streets.
Rasa mcm best klau pergi semua sister jeeeee . setiap trip tu ada yg best dan yg x best actually...
bersama sahibah tercinta... Fariha, Ardeela, kat langkawi ada Sapinah, Kak Fatin, kak Nahawan dan kak Anita.... gambar2 yg sopan je... yg selfie x yah laaa