Sunday, 24 December 2017

Short notes...


Okayy, rasa nk menulis sangat sbb x de org yg boleh aku share.. X tau la siapa yg baca blog nie.. Haritu aku baca blog Dr. Fl and she said that not all things we can share in this blog. If in your diary then its okay la because it must be private and confidential. Okay laa the title tu actually I wanna write at 3pm ++ camtu but x smpat so jd la draft. 

       Actually I wanna say congratulations to shiro yg selamat melahirkan anak sulungnya baby boy... I am happy for her. I am silent reader in GL group tu so just read laa kan..  Segan nk comment apa2.. First gl baby. Everybody is happy. 

       However, in the evening when I looked at gl's group again then everybody wish takziah. Then I read it is izzati farhani's baby. In another group aj shared that izzati loss her baby.. Allah saja yg tahu perasaan tu.. Aku trkejut baca. Sedih. Td baru happy with kelahiran baby shiro but now izzati kehilangan baby dia. Aku x nak citer lebih2 nie private.. Aku mmg nangis baca td. Walaupun aku x rapat sgt dgn gl, tp they were with me for 5 years. 

      Aku doa sangat supaya Allah hilangkan rasa sedih pd semua org. X best la tgk org sedih. Sedih tu sementara, Allah akn gnti dgn yg lebih baik. Semua kat dunia nie sementara. Aku pun tgh sedih juga.. Tgk kwn2 semua dh kerja. Aku rasa mcm aku dh x function. Aku pun selalu baca kata2 yg boleh bg semangat... Iman aku nie dh x tau dh macam mana keadaan. Rasanya lbh nipis drpd kulit bawang. 

Semoga Allah selamatkan Baitul Maqdis. 
Kena sentiasa cakna about this okay..  Siapa yg sudi doakan..  doakan lah saya dpt kerja. Jazakumullahu khairul jaza'. 

Friday, 8 December 2017




Okay... It's time for me to luahkan everything in my heart. However, before that as Muslims let us pray for Palestine. Baitulmaqdis will never be city of israel.. We musy everyday every second be with them. Muslims must unite.

     Sometimes I am okay but sometimes not. Its hard for me to maintain the positivity... Lagipun life skrg is different. Very sad to live alone. No more friends like during undergraduate... Sedih la x de kwn. Hmm... Entahla susah betul nk dpt kerja skrg kan?..  I know we must always be grateful for what Allah give to us.. Put your trust in Allah.. sedih juga x dpt nk join halaqah.. X tau dh nk ckp mcm mna.. Aku perlu sgt hq... Nk pi program pun jauh aku x dak transport... Lgipun org bkn knl aku.. Mesti akward sorang2...

      Hidup mesti diteruskan. Jangan lupakan saudara kita di Palestin, Syria,  dan  di mana2 saja
Rindu sahibah 😘😘😘😘😘♥

Monday, 13 November 2017

Convo 17



         Ahamdulillah officially graduated on 12th November 2017. My uncle's birthday. Happy birthday and thank you so much for the present and everything... Obviously the most appreciation I would give to my parents... but before that, thanks to Allah.. Allah placed me at IIUM. I never thought pun where to further my degree. Then, fill in the UPU and I got the first choice for Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Science IIUM Gombak... I went to foundation studies first CFS, then continue with degree there. Alhamdulillah... A lot of experience and challenges I faced. Tears and laugh. Alhamdulillah. Thank you sangat to my parents who always support me. Without them I will not graduated.. Aduyaiii sensitif laa bila sebut bnda2 camnie.. mmg nk nangis.. semalam pun jatuh juga air mata nie masa dalam hall... 

         Thank you again for  my parents for always be with me , give money, remind me, give solutions, advices and more that I could't describe. Mmg semua tu drpd Allah tp melalui mereka. Family is a very precious nikmat from Allah.. happy to see my friends with their family.
Actually bnyk bergambar dgn kawan ... alhamdulillah sempat juga brgambar with my family.. rasa bersalah sgt... cedih laa 

     Then, thank you also to my beloved lecturers. Helping me a lots. Terharu sgt lecturer kenal ittew. Because I was not a popular student I mean speak a lot like that..kan? entahla camne sir boleh kenal... Unexpected. Tp lecturer lelaki pulak tu.. Sir Fawwaz was my Investment Analysis subject and my SV.. Then, Sir Azhar, my Futures Options lecturer. Terkejut tetibe sir panggil nama saya pastu komen .. susah nk describe suasana itu  hehe. Semua lecturer and guru saya ... thank you very much .. 

      My friends... Masa keluar hall tu Zuhairah panggil.. tu kwn2 stf kau.. nmpk AJ and Shaqila... terharu dorg bg bunga... thank you.. stfian then of course laa my beloved kwn uia. without them, I alone laa kat uia nie.. Thank you teha, shahira, ardeela... for the bouquet of flower .. buat sendiri kot... Then, Syahadah, Sakinah and Sapinah... thank you very much... untuk my sister pun yg turun dari Kuantan. thank you for the flower.......... Thank you everyone..   Semoga Allah merahmati kehidupan dunia akhirat for my family, lecturers and friends..... ameeeen....hmmm x tau dah nk ckp apa .. My kawan2 so sweet and concern. i wrote cedih at my status then everyone asked why?? konvo tu happy + sedih ... okayyy

Awal2 pagi dah jumpa .. teha ada class ACCA

With AJ and Shaqila thank you sudi bg bunga kat kite...
last dapat masa form five dkt RMC 

With Sarah, sempat juga jmpa hehe

With beloved sahibah.. nie sahibah solehah and wanted kot.. Sakinah nk kahwin dah
Sapinah pun, Syahadah apatah lagi. Rahah nk start SL1M dah.. Fariha dh kerja dkt media prima .


Gambar with family belum dpt. Gambar dgn FSCC pun belum ada okay byeee doakan utk saya juga yee


Thursday, 28 September 2017



So, what I wanna write today is about everything. Just mix all. Whatever come across my mind.. Actually I really miss my solehah girls. Having them made my life perfect.. Hehe.. Mana ada hidup yg perfect.. Allah izin I got the chance to join tamrin with them on 15-17/9.. Suasana yg bakal dirimdui.. Selama almost 4 years I be with them, baik gaduh biasa laa tp bila bersahabat kerana Allah nie manis dia lain.. Bkn nk show off cuma nk share... Setiap org Allah kurniakan sahabat yg varieties and I know everyone will feel the same like what I feel. Okayy enough laa.. Harapnya dkt syurga nnti kita boleh jumpa setiap hari main2.. No limit time..

   Actually, I feel guilty to share anything at socmed nie because I remember what Teha told me. I afraid klau terover tulis or gambar yg I upload tu buat org rasa jealous. Mmg laa niat nk share kegembiraan, tp sbg manusia biasa rasa jealous tu pasti ada... X baik kan buat org camtu..

    Its okay laa apa yg baik ambik yg buruk jgn ikut.. Later I'll write again inshaa Allah

Friday, 1 September 2017



         Actually this post is special for my internship. If i write here, i can read wherever, whenever... so i have my memory here...

         Okay laaa.. what I can say, this week is quite special for me.. this week is my 12th week of  internship. I already planned to bring some food and give presents to them on my last day. Seriously, I didn't expect to have any special farewell party or presents given moment... Yeah.. it happened... I was really touched... I appreciate that so much... 

         On Monday, Pn. Su and En. Idris came and asked me whether I was fasting or not? Because 5 of us will have some makan2 for lunch .. they treat me.. so sweet... i don't know what to say.. they are very kind... suka betul belanja makan... but i don't have that pictures.. already asked from Pn. Su but she did not give pun.. segan nk mintak.. hehe its okay laa since I still have the pictures on my last day... On Tuesday tu... I got message from someone yg didn't expect juga... hai.. semua unexpected tau.. of course i was happy... hehe... yeah, let me settle laa that problem..

     On Wednesday, I performed my last task and I helped Pn. Su, kak Su and En. Faiz.. I help kak Su to do the KWSP, then faiz said last day already.. he laughed... then he also asked me for help.. haha... i didn't mind pun... i really like to do that works... next week is early of month, i'll be missing my task.. to help kak Su calculate the overtime for staffs and faiz's work as well to calculate the on call and locum... winduuu... thank you for teaching me... even though segan with them especially faiz but alhamdulillah.. everything was nice... 

      About 4.30 pm on wednesday tu, Pn. Subaidah, Kak Suhaiza, En. Idris and En. Faiz gather at kewangan room and call me... we took picture and they gave me presents... so sweeet team kewangan... i love all of you... actually i wanna asked for forgiveness and say thank you.. but.. i was too shy cannot kluar any word.. but i tried i said thank you and minta maaf juga.. but yeah me kan if writing can laa i write a long words but when comes to bercakap... very limited laa words yg kluar.. Anyway... thank you sgt... 

    my kawan2 intern also thank you so much... wati, wani, fatin ,atiqah.. dina.. dina nie jmpe tiap2 pagi .. dia medic upnm.. woww.. semua pun lain unit...

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Learnt a lot...


 Lama dah nak tulis baru smpat harini.. semalam x sihat sikit.. alhamdulillah harini getting better.. hmm, sambungan yg haritu that i already deleted. 

               I already forgive, forget and pray for you.. hehe.. x baik nak salahkan org lain.. diri sendiri yg salah sebenarnya... nak salahkan org lain .. mungkin dia sendiri pun x tahu dia yang salah... Its okay.. setiap orang yg Allah hadirkan dalam hidup nie ada reasonnya. x de satu pun yg Allah cipta yg sia2... haha... mak dok ckp saya ada boyfriend pulak.. lama2 sekali keluar topik nie.. dulu saya deny but now i diam je senyum.. x larat dh nk mendeny.. 

               I wanna ask forgiveness from everyone.. hehe.. hmm intern kat sini bnyk blajar tntg kehidupan. Semalam teman kawan ziarah atuk dia pastu ada nenek dia yg setia mnjaga atuk which is seorang isteri yg setia mnjaga suami yg sakit... nie baru laa till jannah... org sakit dkt hospital nie happy bila ada org melawat ..nmpak atuk tu happy.. bila nk balik dia mcm sedih.. semoga Allah kurniakan kesembuhan.... semoga tangan mak pun sembuh cepat... semoga Allah bagi kesihatan yg baik utk semua org sekeliling yg aku sayang.. 
                 Puan Subaidah, my sv td belanja mkn.. katanya help her settle the work... i segan laa org belanja3 nie.. I tak tolong sgt pun.. tu kn mmg kerja saya.. semoga Allah murahkan rezeki Puan Sue.. baru laa fuction terukss I dkt sini.. baru best.... thank you juga Pn. Sue cerita + bg nasihat.. utk cari kerja.. 

                okay lah.. nk sambung buat kerja.. love all of you.. sebarkan positive vibes.. p/s pakcik bas tolong laa bawa bas relax2.. alhamdulillah x jatuh.. hmmm

Monday, 24 July 2017



Again I'm typing at my office.. hehe. Today's news is about to submit the report. Last week, we got to know our academic supervisor. My SV is sir fawwaz. Alhamdulillah. I already emailed to sir and he is okay if I wanna ask but I am segan laa to ask. I wanted some information about this internship place but my sv here pun mcm busy je.. I am afraid to ganggu.. buku log nie pun asyik tangguh to submit to my sv because  she is busy. I really don't like to disturb people even to sit at colleague's place.. but I have to  settle my work.. what to do kan.. please jgn marah saya. ..

          Actually yesterday kot, i switched on the tv and then saw word xplorasi.. then birthday faiqah... it reminded me to something... hehe  eksplorasi stf rmc 21-24 /7/ 2011.. so, 6 years already . Now 2017. Cepat masa berlalu..

            Congratulation to all my friend that already graduated especially from oversea. Hebatnya..balik Malaysia terus dpt kerja.. rezeki masing masing kan?.. Always be grateful with what Allah granted us. Sweet sgt kinot and danny.. best la grad dgn suami.. okay.. bln 8 nie ramai yg nak gi haji.. bestnya dpt jejakkan kaki kat tanah suci. Time terawikh haritu sempat merasa terawikh di uia. time habis balik sama2 dgn geng2 nusaibah. Pastu Teha ckp macam pergi umrah. Tgh nak balik hotel sama2. Tapi nk gi umrah kena ada mahram.. best kan dpt gi dgn family. 

             Tu laa now nie kne focus betul2 report nie. b4 nie main2 je.. hmm nk hntar report pakai post ke nk gi uia ?.. I think I wanna post je.. actually nk gi uia nk jumpa my solehah girlzzz but shahira, teha mcm dh balik rumah je.. missing you girls so much.

Jgn stop doakan al aqsa..

Friday, 14 July 2017

new life..


    I'm at office right now actually. Feeling very lonely, boring and sleepy ... arachi???.. Ustaz said when feel not happy then malaikat is not with you.

     Not laa new sgt.. just as usual go to work. Hmmm it is new laa because working life is not the same with study life and i really miss study life ... 

     Life is very complicated... i miss my friends in uia.. I miss to have chit chat with fariha, rahah and shahira at their room.... i have nobody to tell story here... 

      last Friday night I went to JB.. miss jb so much. After 6 years... been there again.. kenduri Qilah.. Congratzz ... Alhamdulillah sempat singgah stf kjp .. a lot of differences i can see. But so sad cannot see zawani and syahadah... its okay lahh... i dont think i will go to jb again.. it is far + expensive..
Thank you mak and ayah for allowing me to go to jb... ☺💋
        continue tomorrow ea
      Yesterday.. I was quite busy..x sempat nk menaip..
Yeah.. I am sad thinking of my life, future... i know Allah is the best planner. Allah always give the best for us what we gone through is the best... but its hard.. i feel like wanna cry every second.. Ya Allah please help me...

             Today is  14/7/17 already... so I would like to write the whole week's story. Okay ... Firstly, Alhamdulillah and until today I can't believe I already got the P license. Alhamdulillah sgt.. at my fourth trials.. I succeed.. Okay.. so, yesterday, HKB had a jamuan hari raya.. so, we (wati and me) had to help serve the food.. bkn serve to lead.. hehe.... best.. can see may people, doctors, nurses and many other staffs.. Then I got the chance to do work with my colleagues... hehe.. until enter into my dream..
last week, I got a lot of work to do.. but this week, don't have work because everybody busy with the audit...
              As an appreciation, I would like to list up my colleagues.. kenangan utk masa akn datang.. gambar don't have.. pengarah..Dr. Norhasimawati is the highest level in this HKB. I don't have chance to work with her pun. Next, Puan Ku Norehan, Puan Subaidah is my supervisor. She is penolong akauntan. Later I have the organisation chart, I'll put here ea.. I get to work with her, any command or task given from her. However, as I work under unit kewangan, I also work and get orders from the kewangan team. They are En. Idris, En. Faiz and kak Suhaiza. Next is Puan syahirah the engineer, En Safri, En Amirul, En. Zamri. Kak Rosni, Kak Ina, Kak Sarah, kak Zuraini, kak Liza, kak Ani, kak Shila, En. Hakimi. Then Wati is my practical friend in this office. I have one more practical friend, Atiqah also from uia but she is upstairs in other unit... Okay, thats all laa i think...

   All the best for all of you.. I really miss my solehah girls

Monday, 12 June 2017




     Tonight feel like wanna write something.. redha is not easy, it acquire you to really put trust in Allah. redha and pasrah is different from my understanding. Like what Lisa surihani said in the Ombak rindu (redha and pasrah).Its not that easy to really practise it. easy to say. yeah.. okay live update jap.. kedah 2-1 with pahang alhamdulillah..

        What I wanna say is .. we really have to process ourselves. Thats why we have to stay in tarbiyyah. ... my laptop is in problem right now, therefore I'm using this home pc. Alhamdulillah.. wait.. I think I have to continue tomorrow.. everybody( my family) at dpn tv right now is talking about football. I'm just quite.. don't know about bola.. only ask what is this guy name?.. after this forgot back.

               I wrote the first two paragraph for quite long time ago tau.. I really wanna continue but my laptop is broken.. Sobss  😞. Therefore I just use my phone right now.

              What I wanna write is Allah akn uji hambaNya pd titik kelemahan hambaNya.  Bro Azman selalu ckp pasal bnde nie time Kuliah tazkiyatun nafs.  Ujian tu tanda Allah sayang kita kan?.. One more thing is about being grateful. Sometimes, we forgot to be grtateful and thankful to Allah. We feel sad, jealous. It about the internship problem actually. I felt so down at that time. Everybody got their place already but not happened to me.. Than I tried to muhasabah balik kan... Suddenly come across the word bersyukur... Allah wanna tell me to be grateful and believe in what He has arranged for me and you. Alhamdulillah its a rahmat when the situations, problems, or anything happened that make us near to Allah..

Last paragraph I would like to write about final semester.. It sad to leave undergradzz life.. Seriously.. Sometimes I feel just like usual but I didn't though that there are people that feel ketiadaan saya.. Terharu... Ahamdulillah Allah kurniakan the good people around me. X expect pun that I can be friend with adik2and also kakak2.. 

Saturday, 6 May 2017



      Siapa la ea yg baca my boring blog nie?? hehe. Actually, I just deleted my last post because at that time i feel stress so much... 

       Now pun still stress.. so I wanna list my problems here first, I didn't get placement for internship yet. I really don't know what else to do.. i'm down tooo much because of this.. second, my jpj test ...
then i don't remember dah... That 2 enough to make me.... cannot describe.

         Its okay laa, just now I went out with shahira and raihan... to PBAKL.. Alhamdulillah Allah izin.. and Shahira share a story from the book pelukis jalanan. I'm quite motivated actually.. he is so positive.. his journey masha Allah too much ujian.. and now, berkat kesabaran dia, he become a famous author. Everybody waiting for his book. He's good in making money... hopefully I can become like him.

        hmm.. i wanna tell about my 3 and a half year as undergraduate student at IIUM. The life is too much tough. However, Allah grant me friend that could give me a smile while I'm in a very down condition as well as in a good condition. Sometimes fight, sometimes terasa hati, sometimes i made you angry and sometimes i merajuk... Whenever I ask for their nasihat, they always sudi to give me that. Thank you so much... I cannot list all of your name, maybe i'll forget someone, to be fair.. all of you always in my heart and hopefully in my du'a...
 One more thing, i got 1 extra planner and to whom should i give?? now already bulan 5 kot..

              Ni masa dkt langkawi, first time activity luar uia with uiaian that i love so much.

         Nie pulak dkt Terengganu..

Just nak ckp, kalau ada program yg camnie kan kitorang mcm asabiah sikit, makan, bilik, jln2 semua sekali x pernah pun tiba2 nk cari kwn lain ... setakat nie mmg x boleh berpisah..
windunyee tittew

Wednesday, 18 January 2017



The blog is telling me something but I don't understand.. if anybody understand can tell me...

               Noah with his parents already went back to Texas forever... not coming back to Malaysia anymore... sobsssss.... miss him sometimes... same like Thaqif aqil left me... hard to move on.. until go into my dream... hmmm.. we can meet in jannnah inshaa Allah..

               Okay... now Uia is in semester break.. and i suppose to repeat my jpj (most hated thing ever in my life)... always made me sad ... but Allah has arranged everything for us ...have faith.

                However, I am in uia and yesterday... uia dilanda ribut taufan yg amat dahsyat mashaa Allah. I work part time at mahallah office with Fariha... i just see the pictures not see the real condition yet.. Actually i wanna write about working experience... its nice .. how tired working life is right?.. some of my friends are having internship and when i see them mashaa Allah.. they are more tired than me have to travel early in the morning ..far away pulak tu... moga Allah beri kekuatan for them... Shahira, Ardeela, Raihan , Fatin Fatihah, and Zawani... and many more. Then i keep thinking of the life after get married. after arrived home, of course very tired, but i have to cook, wash clothes, and more... super duper penat. Tu belom ada anak lg.. hmmm mashaa Allah... I asked when already married, i have to goreng only 2 ketul chicken la kan? Shahira said 3 also can.. Fariha said 1 only sweet sikit.. Lol..
                Yesterday, after go to PG block, arrived at office then the meeting room already flooded... then we try to remove the water lah kan.. hmm then in working world nie we have to adapt others behaviour you know... we will meet a lot of people with different kind of perangai.. hmm everyday have to be matured.. learn to be more matured arachi?..


love all of you...