Monday, 24 July 2017



Again I'm typing at my office.. hehe. Today's news is about to submit the report. Last week, we got to know our academic supervisor. My SV is sir fawwaz. Alhamdulillah. I already emailed to sir and he is okay if I wanna ask but I am segan laa to ask. I wanted some information about this internship place but my sv here pun mcm busy je.. I am afraid to ganggu.. buku log nie pun asyik tangguh to submit to my sv because  she is busy. I really don't like to disturb people even to sit at colleague's place.. but I have to  settle my work.. what to do kan.. please jgn marah saya. ..

          Actually yesterday kot, i switched on the tv and then saw word xplorasi.. then birthday faiqah... it reminded me to something... hehe  eksplorasi stf rmc 21-24 /7/ 2011.. so, 6 years already . Now 2017. Cepat masa berlalu..

            Congratulation to all my friend that already graduated especially from oversea. Hebatnya..balik Malaysia terus dpt kerja.. rezeki masing masing kan?.. Always be grateful with what Allah granted us. Sweet sgt kinot and danny.. best la grad dgn suami.. okay.. bln 8 nie ramai yg nak gi haji.. bestnya dpt jejakkan kaki kat tanah suci. Time terawikh haritu sempat merasa terawikh di uia. time habis balik sama2 dgn geng2 nusaibah. Pastu Teha ckp macam pergi umrah. Tgh nak balik hotel sama2. Tapi nk gi umrah kena ada mahram.. best kan dpt gi dgn family. 

             Tu laa now nie kne focus betul2 report nie. b4 nie main2 je.. hmm nk hntar report pakai post ke nk gi uia ?.. I think I wanna post je.. actually nk gi uia nk jumpa my solehah girlzzz but shahira, teha mcm dh balik rumah je.. missing you girls so much.

Jgn stop doakan al aqsa..

Friday, 14 July 2017

new life..


    I'm at office right now actually. Feeling very lonely, boring and sleepy ... arachi???.. Ustaz said when feel not happy then malaikat is not with you.

     Not laa new sgt.. just as usual go to work. Hmmm it is new laa because working life is not the same with study life and i really miss study life ... 

     Life is very complicated... i miss my friends in uia.. I miss to have chit chat with fariha, rahah and shahira at their room.... i have nobody to tell story here... 

      last Friday night I went to JB.. miss jb so much. After 6 years... been there again.. kenduri Qilah.. Congratzz ... Alhamdulillah sempat singgah stf kjp .. a lot of differences i can see. But so sad cannot see zawani and syahadah... its okay lahh... i dont think i will go to jb again.. it is far + expensive..
Thank you mak and ayah for allowing me to go to jb... ☺💋
        continue tomorrow ea
      Yesterday.. I was quite busy..x sempat nk menaip..
Yeah.. I am sad thinking of my life, future... i know Allah is the best planner. Allah always give the best for us what we gone through is the best... but its hard.. i feel like wanna cry every second.. Ya Allah please help me...

             Today is  14/7/17 already... so I would like to write the whole week's story. Okay ... Firstly, Alhamdulillah and until today I can't believe I already got the P license. Alhamdulillah sgt.. at my fourth trials.. I succeed.. Okay.. so, yesterday, HKB had a jamuan hari raya.. so, we (wati and me) had to help serve the food.. bkn serve to lead.. hehe.... best.. can see may people, doctors, nurses and many other staffs.. Then I got the chance to do work with my colleagues... hehe.. until enter into my dream..
last week, I got a lot of work to do.. but this week, don't have work because everybody busy with the audit...
              As an appreciation, I would like to list up my colleagues.. kenangan utk masa akn datang.. gambar don't have.. pengarah..Dr. Norhasimawati is the highest level in this HKB. I don't have chance to work with her pun. Next, Puan Ku Norehan, Puan Subaidah is my supervisor. She is penolong akauntan. Later I have the organisation chart, I'll put here ea.. I get to work with her, any command or task given from her. However, as I work under unit kewangan, I also work and get orders from the kewangan team. They are En. Idris, En. Faiz and kak Suhaiza. Next is Puan syahirah the engineer, En Safri, En Amirul, En. Zamri. Kak Rosni, Kak Ina, Kak Sarah, kak Zuraini, kak Liza, kak Ani, kak Shila, En. Hakimi. Then Wati is my practical friend in this office. I have one more practical friend, Atiqah also from uia but she is upstairs in other unit... Okay, thats all laa i think...

   All the best for all of you.. I really miss my solehah girls