Ahamdulillah officially graduated on 12th November 2017. My uncle's birthday. Happy birthday and thank you so much for the present and everything... Obviously the most appreciation I would give to my parents... but before that, thanks to Allah.. Allah placed me at IIUM. I never thought pun where to further my degree. Then, fill in the UPU and I got the first choice for Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Science IIUM Gombak... I went to foundation studies first CFS, then continue with degree there. Alhamdulillah... A lot of experience and challenges I faced. Tears and laugh. Alhamdulillah. Thank you sangat to my parents who always support me. Without them I will not graduated.. Aduyaiii sensitif laa bila sebut bnda2 camnie.. mmg nk nangis.. semalam pun jatuh juga air mata nie masa dalam hall...
Thank you again for my parents for always be with me , give money, remind me, give solutions, advices and more that I could't describe. Mmg semua tu drpd Allah tp melalui mereka. Family is a very precious nikmat from Allah.. happy to see my friends with their family.
Actually bnyk bergambar dgn kawan ... alhamdulillah sempat juga brgambar with my family.. rasa bersalah sgt... cedih laa
Then, thank you also to my beloved lecturers. Helping me a lots. Terharu sgt lecturer kenal ittew. Because I was not a popular student I mean speak a lot like that..kan? entahla camne sir boleh kenal... Unexpected. Tp lecturer lelaki pulak tu.. Sir Fawwaz was my Investment Analysis subject and my SV.. Then, Sir Azhar, my Futures Options lecturer. Terkejut tetibe sir panggil nama saya pastu komen .. susah nk describe suasana itu hehe. Semua lecturer and guru saya ... thank you very much ..
My friends... Masa keluar hall tu Zuhairah panggil.. tu kwn2 stf kau.. nmpk AJ and Shaqila... terharu dorg bg bunga... thank you.. stfian then of course laa my beloved kwn uia. without them, I alone laa kat uia nie.. Thank you teha, shahira, ardeela... for the bouquet of flower .. buat sendiri kot... Then, Syahadah, Sakinah and Sapinah... thank you very much... untuk my sister pun yg turun dari Kuantan. thank you for the flower.......... Thank you everyone.. Semoga Allah merahmati kehidupan dunia akhirat for my family, lecturers and friends..... ameeeen....hmmm x tau dah nk ckp apa .. My kawan2 so sweet and concern. i wrote cedih at my status then everyone asked why?? konvo tu happy + sedih ... okayyy
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Awal2 pagi dah jumpa .. teha ada class ACCA |
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With AJ and Shaqila thank you sudi bg bunga kat kite... last dapat masa form five dkt RMC |
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With Sarah, sempat juga jmpa hehe |
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With beloved sahibah.. nie sahibah solehah and wanted kot.. Sakinah nk kahwin dah Sapinah pun, Syahadah apatah lagi. Rahah nk start SL1M dah.. Fariha dh kerja dkt media prima . |
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