Sunday, 16 September 2018




      Alhamdulillah Allah give me the time and the feel to write right now. Actually, I wanna write about yesterday because I was so excited to meet my high school friends.... I think I've met few laa right especially those in uia gombak. However, Those I met yesterday were those who studied abroad. So, of course laa we did not see each other for a very long time. I felt shy juga laa. They studied oversea, I studied at Malaysia je..hehe. However, the awkwardness tu sekejap je. Then we became like dulu2. I feel that we are still the same. Seriously perangai sama je. Nothing change. Rindu nk lepak dkt dorm mlm2 bergosip. Yg paling x boleh blah si Mimi ni. Ya ampun bawang sgt... haha... So funny of you. Mimi nnti dh bertugas jd doktor, mesti patient happy je. Hehe... hopefully we can have a sleepover maybe one day... If i'm still here. They are still talking about rmc. haha cannot move on ea. I thought they already forgotten. Haha... I'm not bawang ing you girls okay... Just stating what I felt. Anyway congratulations to Izyan Syuhada for being top 10.

          Tajuk wajib when reunion of course selagi x kawin selagi tu topic nye akan pusing2 situ juga laaa... Alright. I thought i am the only one who sengsara at workplace. But actually no. Dayah and Hanis also telling me that they feel quite the same. Yea.. this is life right?.. Zera pun ckp the same. So the conclusion is we pray to Allah for giving us strength to keep strong. However, I'm still with my principle. I really wanna go out from pjh as soon as possible. Please pray for me to get job near to my house. I don't like here.... I knew I should feel very grateful and I must be yakin that Allah will always there for us. Allah giving the best for us. Allah knows the best for us. Allah sayang kita.

         Till we meet again inshaa Allah ... anyong...

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Toughest challenge.


    Actually this post was in August I think. It was at my office. At that time, I was very stress and I wanna write but my friends came to me and discuss and everything so I cannot la write.

     So now, I wanna tell everything that I felt. I knew I should be very grateful. Alhamdulillah I feel very grateful for what Allah had given to me to get to join Sl1m programme at Putrajaya Holdings. I got the chance to live at Putrajaya. I went to the gardens, I went to the Merdeka parade celebration and many more.

      However, I am still normal human being. Honestly I wanna quit from that program as soon as possible. Aku stress dengan orang2 kat department Financial Accounting tu. Katanya masa awal2 dulu nk train like an exec but x pun. Aku nie x lebih dari jd kuli je tau x... How mauch i hate them. Memang ada juga few things yg aku kena buat monthly so at least aku entrusted some works but dorg treat me mcm budak intern. Memang la aku x reti nk mix sgt dgn dorg. Aku diam je x ramah mcm org yg before2 nie. Dorg buat mcm aku nie x wujud. Pastu sis sorg tu siap nasihat aku you have to try to mingle with us even you hate how much pun. X kan lah asyik nk kwn dgn budak sl1m je. So what dorg yg x sudi nk kwn dgn aku ckp kat aku camtu...

   X tau laaa. Semua pun perangai mcm tu... Asyik nk marah aku je. Dgn Berry x pulak nk marah tengking camtu.... Berry assist exec juga. contract after dh abis sl1m. Tp mmg beza treatment aku dgn dia. Sbb aku mcm x pndai nk melawan . Ikut je.. Berry mcm lbh berani and garang...

   Yg penting aku mmg nk kluar dari situ. Biar padan muka dorg .... Aku mmg tgh dok try apply kerja. Almost everyday juga laa, pastu yg uia buat semua aku gi. Dh bnyk ambik cuti utk try apa ja peluang yg ada. Aku yakin Allah akan bg aku sesuatu yg lebih baik. I really hope to leave pjh as soon as possible. Apa yg Allah bg tu yg terbaik... Aku yakin Allah akan bg aku kerja baru. Rezeki Allah tu luas.  Pray for me please