Monday, 9 September 2019

Be Grateful



     Okay actually I am in the phase of being positive. Well we are human. Feeling down, mental break down is something usual right? There are no people without problems. Everyone has problems. Actually going through the problems also a phase to make us mature right?... 

      I remembered En. Sazali once share with us that he went to listen to a kuliah maghrib and the ustaz was telling about a hadith. But can't remember who narrated the hadith and the status of the hadith. However the message is good and yeah... the hadith has the message of our destiny. It is like this. Kalau lah kita semua diberi peluang untuk tengok jalan hidup semua orang ats muka bumi ni, kita mmg x kan rasa nk jadi org lain. Kita akan bersyukur sgt dgn jln hidup yg Allah dh tentukan utk kita. For example kita akan rasa best nya jadi dia. Tp kalau kita tau jln kisah hidup yg Allah dh tentukan utk dia, kita x kan rasa nk jd dia. It is something like that. Hope it is understandable. As muslims, we must believe that Allah dh susun jalan hidup kita dgn sangat indah. Ujian yg Allah bg pun ujian yg kita mampu untuk hadapi. It is the matter of trust. Put your trust in Allah. 

        I feel very grateful for my life right now. Of course I feel down, sad. But remember dalam surah As Sharh Allah ulang dua kali bersama kesusahan ada kesenangan. Kadang2 tu sedih la bila doa x dimakbulkan lagi. Usaha, usaha dah, doa, doa dah.. tp nothing happen. Jd kena pujuk hati kita ckp Allah akan bg on the right time at the right place ok... I should be very grateful aku masih boleh bernafas, bercakap, melihat. Aku ada family, ada kawan. Aku x boleh bayangkan klau aku hidup sorang2. Aku bersyukur sbb ada org boleh terima perangai aku. Aku appreciate sgt org2 yg x lupa aku. Always be with me dlm susah dan senang. Kalau boleh aku nk sentiasa sebut nama kalian dlm doa aku. Semoga Allah merahmati kalian.

       Okay that's all I thought.