I wanna tell about my friends today... Saje je.. lama x jumpa kan.. At least ada kenangan kat sini.. So, I have few groups of ftiends.. Alhamdulillah ada juga yg sudi berkawan dgn saya. Kwn2 saya tak ramai pun.. Mungkin because I am a little bit introvert.. Introvert dgn org yg x rapat. If kwn rapat tu non stop bercakap...
So the first group is my UIA friends. Dkt uia ni pun ada a few groups. Ada yg sama course, sebilik dari CFS, yg sekali join society, yg sama halaqah. Camtu laaa. So basically, I rapat with my friends yg sama econs and sama halaqah... Because we are always together maybe.. Alhamdulillah.. I missed that moments.. Everyday we meet. When we wanna register for new classes, we will adjust to be in the same class. X best la klas sorang2. Dh la bilik sorang2. That's why la I always go to their room. Kadang2 dkt Safiyyah, Kdg2 dkt Nusaibah.. smpai dlm group whatsapp adik2 junior aku bergaduh (bukan betul2) just confuse. One of them said I'm from Hafsah, one said from Nusaibah. Haha so funny laa. Pastu my friend sorang ni suka tanya I'm from which bilik? hehe... I don't mind to panjat the tangga to Nusaibah.. masa jaga Thaqif Aqil pun I jaga dekat bilik Fariha, jaga Noah juga...
Now, I still be friended with them just cannot meet everyday like during UG la kan.. Yg dlm gmbr ni just yg sama course yg pernah jd roomate since asasi yg kwn since asasi. Yg lain ada gambar tp takes time sikit nk cari..
Next is my SL1M friends. There are 20 of us including me who joined that program on 2018. Rapat because we meet everyday. We started rapat after we joined class. We have to joined class for one month. Balik kerja sama, makan sama, buka puasa sama, riadah sama, main basikal sama, and everything laa. I kwn dgn semua tp x la rapat dgn semua.. Rapat dgn most of them laa kann... they are very kind.. all the best for them..
Next is kawan dkt rumah. Alhamdulillah I still have friends dkt area rumah ni. Kwn from secondary school.. Since I move to my family house, I always meet them and kawan dgn dorang.. hmm tp lps ni maybe susah sikit la nk jumpa. Skrg mmg PKP but yeah sorang demi sorang get married. Left me alone.
Next is my alam maya friends... okay start with FB. I joined fb since 2010 when I was in form 4. For me fb is too open. I'm not so active updating anything just for business purpose maybe. Friends on fb tu ramai yg I think I x kenal pun .. Main approve je. Entahlaa rasanya maybe dulu kwn but now dh x kenal. something like that la. Tp dkt fb, aku friend with my teachers, lecturers, and seniors tooo.. For twitter, x ramai sgt follower. I purposely don't want people to know about my twitter. Quite private laa. I don't know la people read or not my tweet. I just write.. For Ig, quite the same with twitter. I only approved people that I know especially man. So all the man or boy are those that I know them.. X ramai pun. adik, kwn Sl1M, kwn2 lain.
Sampai sini saja ye .. Until we meet again. Inshaa Allah.. Pray for me.. bye