Maaf for the negative vibes. I feel like its really hard for me to be positive. Only sometimes
I know that people cannot read our mind. My mind. Yeah its true whenever people ask me am I okay live alone for months plus dh I think. Mmg la I will always say okay. Just pretending of course. X kan laa nk mengadu nangis2 bgitau the real thing. I know salah aku..
Nobody pun yg nk try to have empathy on me. With my life right now.. I always feel sad.. always feel bad.. people are being judgemental. Maybe skrg aku menulis dgn emosi.. aku tau masa emosi tgh x stabil jgn buat any keputusan or do anything yg important cause nnti menyesal..
But every morning I woke up I mesti always feel sad and - ve... Mmg x baik laa aku nk benci2 org. Tp aku betul x boleh tahan dh duduk sorang camni.. mcm xde life. Aku hurt sgt. Aku terasa sgt dgn org sekeliling aku.. aku tahu dorg baik. Aku asyik nk salahkan dorg je. Bg aku dorg x prnh empathy dgn aku. Dorg nmpk aku mcm okay. Then okay laa nothing to think more. But my mental health. My safety. Aku dh laa perempuan. Kena duduk rumah sekolah yg besar ni sorang. Bg aku dorang pentingkan kehidupan dorg je. Aku ni pnting utk buat kerja je.. selain tu.. xde apa pun.
Smpai hati buat aku camni. X sangka kt tmpat kerja yg islamik nie.. ujian je jauh lebih berat.. nobody cares about me except my family and few friends. The real friends. Terima kasih sgt..
Iman aku pun dh x stabil. Aku selalu nk salahkan takdir.. aku sedih kenapa life aku camni? Aku betul x kuat nk continue life mcm nie.. selalu fikir nk mati..
Sedih.. Aku tahu kena bersyukur.. aku cuba la nie..