Sunday, 13 October 2013

The end of the last sem....


It is the story of the whole sem 1 13/14. Alhamdulillah, i got a lot of experiences and knowledge that will increase the level of maturity..... So, as usual the pictures will tell the stories, even not all the events..... its okay la

Kesimpulannya, when we are surrounded by the good people and goood surrounding, it will encourage us to behave like them and very enjoy to learn a lot of things and get a lot of knowledge.
To know more people. and remember, kalau ada apa2 yg berlaku kat kita jgn salahkan org lain, tengok balik diri kita, mungkin ada something wrong.
Thats all from me, sorry and maaf for all my wrongdoings.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013



dah pukul 12 hari nie dah 11/9

 happy birthday..... Alif Najmi bin Azman
dh 5 tahun
jgn manja sangat

tau dye x bce pun bnde nie but its okay

alif and me

thank you syukran.... 

Monday, 12 August 2013

salamat hari raya


Actually, I want to continue about taaruf week but not this time laaaa. I also want to share about ramadhan kareem but not for this time because I only want to spend a very short time for this entry. Just wanna wish selamat hari raya.... to everybody. please forgive me...

raya for this year just like years before....alhamdulillah dapat celebrate raya lagi tahun nie....this year's raya is in the middle of mid term exam. it is ujian....raya bersederhana this is some pictures during raya.
Hopefully we improve our ibadah when we graduated from the university of ramadan. istiqamah walaupun ckit is better actually.

the brothers

hmmmm tudung nie mmg...... buat gimmick pulak

shaking ckit....

time iftar dgn bureaumate dekat studio aed

lastly....dekat masjid negara with scouts members yg kat bwh nie bukan atas ea...

thank you, syukran, xie xie, mercy, terima kasih..... semua ^_^

Saturday, 6 July 2013

experience + knowledge part 1


Actually I want to take this chance to share my experiences & knowledge specifically about Taaruf Week 13/14. 

Yeah, actually, I had a few problems or sedikit kekonfiusan laaaa,sebelum dtg taaruf week tu, siap call Kak Shila lagi, and at last, I went to Gombak, a little bit homesick la kan... biasa la sorang2, camtu la dari skolah lagi....then, I stay at bilik Farah Aida. So, the next morning, we( econs student) went to Pj, semua bwak beg mcm nk stay terus kat sana. Alhamdulillah, sampai juga kat Pj dgn selamatnya..... wah, macam baca report time assembly kat sekolah dulu, esp report basketball. Okay back to this long and sweet story, then, we went to AMF, and registered there, Alhamdulillah I felt very relief, when my name was at the paper, I was in the welcoming and bai'ah ceremony bureau. When I went through all the members of that bureau, I didn't know, any one of them, except Aliah Hani. Then, the session start with team building on monday. If i'm not mistaken, on Tuesday is our first meeting, I mean meeting with all the members of bureau, we called our bureau WBC or webcy.

So, allow me to continue this first meeting story. Macam biasa, mestila kene ta'aruf dulu..... and masa tu ada staff sekali bro Sham. So, I sit beside Kak Aishah, lpe nk gitau kak aishah pun lg sorang yg aku kenal sbb dulu sama biro time RAFEST. Then, we pun taaruf. Cara dye kne baling kertas yg dh djadikan mcm bola, aku patutnya jadi org first, tapi jadi org last.... apa2 lahhh.Head of our bureau is Bro Azkar Zahidi and assistant  is Nabilah. At first, I felt quite boring, yeah.... I miss my special unit friendssss or family. Okay then we continue to the next day....b4 that we were divided into smaller unit and i was in special task unit. Act my unit have some misunderstand or miscommunication with Publication and promotion bureau, until we have to meat their head to deal with some the clash things.
In my unit, there are Kamal, Hazwan,Kak Amal and me.

Every day we met at LY 001, but then tukar ke studio AED 2, Every day we met, ukhuwwah tu terasa makin rapat . Bond tu makin strength. Macam tu lah citernye....
So, b4 I end my story, I would like to share some knowledge. Bro Azkar ada citer masa tu, tapi aku x bleh nk tulis cter tu full sbb x brape nk ingat. Pendekkan je la ea citernya. Citer zaman para sahabat mungkin ana x pasti, ana tu mksudnye saya...ok, ada 2 org nie dye dh bunuh saudara  1 org nie. Then, 2 org yg bunuh dpt ditangkap. Then mesti la hukumannya kne bunuh juga la 2 org tadi. Tetibe 2 org tu cakap yg dorg kne balik sbb ada urusan family dan janji akan datang balik after urusan dh settle. So, mestilah org x percaya nk bg dorg balik sbb x yakin dorg akan dtg balik. Tetibe Salman al Farisi pun datang dan bgitau yg dy yakin 2 pembunuh tu akan dtg balik dan dye akan gntikan tmpat 2 pmbunuh tu klau dorg x dtg. So, tunggu la smua org akan kehadiran 2 pmbunuh tu. At last 2 pmbunh tu memang datang balik kat tempat tu. Lps tu, aku x tau macam mne, org yg saudara dy kne bunuh tu
maafkan kesalahan pmbunuh tu, sbb dy takut klau dy x maafkan kesalahan org tu nnti lepas nie dh x de org nk maafkan kesalahan org. Hopefully fahamla ye apa yg ana nk smpaikan. Sebenarnye Bro. Azkar nk mention yg dy mengaku dy dtg lmbat sbb takut klau dy x ngaku nnti lepas nie dh x de org nk ngaku yg dy dtg lmbat.

mungkin, kte sebagai umat islam kne sentiasa menunjukkan contoh yg baik agar boleh dijadikan contoh kepada orang laen. dakwah bil hal


Wednesday, 19 June 2013

experience part 1


lamanya meninggalkan blog nie...... alhamdulillah dh masuk sem1 13/14..... actually i wanna share a little bit knowledge and experience..... but part by part. Now, I'm not so sure what to write just wanna share a little memorable pictures for me sempena taaruf week 13/14

so, nak jawapan teka teki hari tu???.... Jawapannye Surah al Waqiah dan Surah al Hadid lagi satu the answer is Perang Khandak. 

Next i still have one question that is haiwan apa yg paling laju?...............

Jawapannya ialah cheetah naek ferrari....
setakat ini dulu
terima kasih syukran jazilan jiddan jiddan 

Monday, 20 May 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt

Actually, x tau nak bagi tajuk apa, so main tulis je....Okay, for the previous post, i gave teka teki but nobody  answered. Fine.... aku nie ibarat semut je.... ok, jawapannye ialah telur, doa dan sebab budak tu x sampai nak tekan button lift tu.

Aku still nak bagi teka teki tapi versi islamik. 1, nama lain perang ahzab. 2, surah yang diakhiri dengan tasbih dan surah seterusnya dimulai dengan tasbih. I take this question from Gen Q.

Now, is my sem break. In shaa Allah still have one semester to be finished at CFS. okay, i really miss sem 3. The best sem ever.... and the bussiest sem ever. Alhamdulillah... everything was okay. Ada yang gembira ada yang sedih. Benda yang best tu, contohnya..... SMAC. Best, sebab semangat kesukanan + semangat perpaduan. Semua warga econss turun cheer, bagi semangat untuk athletes ECONSS..... terima kasih2 pemain econs. Alhamdulillah econss dapat no. 4 and dapat high spirited team. i love econss. Yang x best nye pulak kami yang datang dari gombak dilayan macam .........aku paling x bleh tahan time sepak takraw, disebabkan aku duty la aku terpaksa duduk kat situ, klau x dah lama aku blah. rasa sedih sngt. dorang halau econss. sedih kot. Tapi xpe la bnda dah berlalu. X  baek la... lupakan je la... lesson that i got, is we must always be patient, even people treat us badly. be cool. Bnyk lagi yg best, dapat gi KLCC with my special unit family before the end of sem3. i love special unit ^_^. Exploreeconss pun best.... bila join those kind of activities, we can eratkan ukhuwwah + dapat tambah kenalan (kenal ramai orang). There are many more stories. so, let the pictures tell the sories( tiru ayat org). But X bnyk pictures pun.... kne tunggu cameragirl upload dulu. Pictures give thousand meaning.....

fscc....................... aku copy gmbar nie sbb ada gmbar aku dgn atiqah.

hisbah night and aku x ikut tema.... colour block.......(with roomates)
zawani, adyra, aisyah, hafizah

classmate G916, next sem dah x sama, sob sob
mimi, ain fatihah, zawani, nina, ezzatul, me, tyha, atiqah


special unit fscc

0kay, bye..... Assalamualaikum.


Friday, 12 April 2013

teka teki


alhamdulillah, dapat aku menulis lagi .....

Actually i wanna share about a book that i have just finish read, which is beduk diketuk, by a famous author,Pahrol Mohd. Juoi. There are so many stories , moral values, knowledge in this book, and i really recommend all of you to read this book okay.....
that book is belong to my friend Jati Adilah, credit to her who gave me chance to read the book that i have waited for so long to have it.Before i return yhe book back to her i would like to share a little bit story ok, but not now laaa because  i dont know which one i should write in this blog... 

Maybe next time okay...
actually i wanna give teka teki, in malay, so, for those who know the answer, please answer....really sorry for not preparing any hadiah for those who can answer the teka teki okay......semalam ada usrah musical....

first, is cecair apa yg jadi solid bila dipanaskan, meaning that, when we heat ti, it will turn from liquid to solid?

second, what is the thing, kadang2 panjang, kadang2 pendek.Kadang2 basah kadang2 kering. Selalunya yg basah tu yang panjang.... apa bnde tu, clue: intangible 

next is, ada sorang budak nie dlm 7 tahun camtu la, rumah dy tingkat 15, one day mak dy suruh beli gula kat tingkat 1, dy pun guna lift, turun smpai tingkat1, tapi bila nak naik, sampai tingkat 5, dy keluar drpd lift, and naik tangga , why???

rasa macam banyak je teka teki nk tulis haritu, tapi nie yg ingat, so selamat menjawab

gambar... supaya menarik ckit, blog nie

Selamat Bersukan Semua......................

Tuesday, 12 March 2013



Rasa macam nk tulis dalam bahasa melayu je..... ok, nk citer pasal induction SMAC13, ujian kali nie agak sungguh amat sangat laaaaaaaaaaaa mencabar, ... macam biasa masalah dengan bas but..... at last alhamdulillah, sampai juga ke PJ petang tu. Hanya kami berenam, then on that night we continue to our groundwork....b4 that Fizo gave a perkongsian.... about Rasulullah SAW... we said we love our Prophet, but when ada musuh Islam yg mencaci Rasul kita kita buat x tau je..... what kind of love is that? so what can i understand from what Fizo said is our Prophet SAW sangat sayangkan umatnya iaiatu kita, So, selalulah berselawat dan amalkan sunnah Baginda... kita mesti pertahankan Rasul kita. Rasulullah SAW mengharungi banyak peperangan untuk menyebarkan Islam.... smpai islam tu sampai dkt kita.... SYUKUR nya,....hargailah nikmat Islam dan Iman. Maaf andai ada yg salah.... peringatan untuk saya sndiri juga. 

Induction kali nie lain ckit, ada yg lawak, ada yg sedih....masa dekat LH A dorang asyik tayangkan short movie that are very touching, x sanggup nk tngk, sedih sangat.... .Then, we work like usual... and bnyk bnde yg x tau nk ckp camne.... sedih, 
then, we stay at ZC, 

ada juga yg lawak, mcm biasa la.... Farid, Fizo,.... memang lawak x bleh tahan nk gelak. Tapi memang banyak lesson that we got.... hopefully our friendship will ever lasting , bila dh lama kt fscc, dh makin rapat dengan mereka di PJ, hmmmm best.... Bersyukur lah dengan apa yg kita ada.... ALHAMDULILLAH.... reminder for all of us and ME

lastly, bak kata fizo, aja aja fighting

Induction terakhir..... sob sob

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Rafest 13


i wanna write about Raudhah Festival 13.... ok, i dont know where to begin, okay.... the kemuncak day is on 22nd Feb until 24th Feb 2013. So, okay so lets learn one ayat al Quran... wamakaru wamakarallah, wallahu khairummakirin, meaning, they plan, and Allah SWT plans, Allah SWT is the best planners. yeah... actually there are some good and bad stories.... we are human right? nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. Okay, what can i get when involve in this big occasion.... i was in the sponsorship, liaison and visitors bureau. Worked with, boss Syahmi, Nik, Danash, Aziz, Kak Aishah, Kak Amalina, Kak Azah, Kak Hani, Iylia and Mimi. For me it was the first time have to do that kind of work.... cannot describe lebih2, alhamdulillah, i could gain knowledge and experiences to work with outsiders. Enough for that, on, friday night, went for talk at masjid. the panels are ustaz Don and ustaz Salman. Then moved to AMF watch concert. Met with old friends.... AJ, shakila. The next day, help Eyah wrapped hamper. Then, listen to talk, from Wajih Zakuan, Farid's brother and ustaz Majid.... very interesting, then went to gombak.... very tired. Met with Teah and Ika, i mean at PJ. Alhamdulillah. What else? ada hot air balloon, stalls, i went to econss stall for so many time. On Sunday.... i got the chance to play paintball best giler.... with Atiqah, Aimi, Dini and sngt. Nak maen lagi, then, tolong hias hall untuk closing ceremony. Suddenly something happened.... this rafest gave me many lessons. ada yg happy ada yg sedih smpai  xde mood. macam macam laaaa. Ikhlaskan diri dalam apa jua kebaikan yg kita lakukan. do appreciate people around you, even though their job are not so big or ibarat semut je....still in sedih mood. Very happy moment with special unit members, Ezzatul, Atiqah, Nina, Tyha, Eyah, Zawani, Fathiah, Mimi....ukhuwwah till jannah....................

Wednesday, 20 February 2013



Today i would like to share my story but in malay because, its sound better in malay,  yeah, actually i wanna share about last night, i went to PJ, to accompany nina, nina duty untuk catering untuk event public speaking yg diadakan di lecture hall A. Masa mula2 smpai tu, ada memeber of the society, yg tegur, "Gombak ea?".... Daniel pun x abis2" Gombakian?"...x so, when nina was doing her duty, i just stay in the cold hall, doing math. Then x pasal2 kne ambik gambar. x de kne mengena dengan saya pun... hmmmm, x pe lah rezeki.... Then, bila event dah habis, mostly committee yg dkt hall pun kluarkan homework  masing2 . PM rafest pun ada kat situ. pastu Presiden pun tnya "Gombak kan?".... wahhhh terharu la dorang dapat detect kitorang yg jauh ni, meeting pun x dpt nk join. Actually, nk citer dlm hall tu, sy dapat rasakan la dorang dah macam family.... walaupun jawatan ibarat dinosour dgn jawatan ibarat semut, dorang still borak sesama mereka yang ada dekat hall, including me and nina... barula best camni.... tu je... mesti x de orang yg faham citer nie kn?... bagus... mmg x nk bagi org lain faham pun. Only me can understand what i have wrote....

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Sharing knowledge


alhamdulillah, finally i got the chance to write back something to be shared with ikhwah wa akhawat out there.....

last week, i went to mersing with my scouts members

for my beautiful Malaysia's programme. A lot of experience we gain, even tired, but it worth....we can also eratkan ukhuwwah, met with sis and bro from Kuantan and also main campus Gombak, PJ also.

other than that, i would like to promote, or to ajak all people to come to Raudhah Festival, on 22 - 24 Feb. Act my job have still not done yet, quite worry, but i must try my best, doakan saya ..... agar semuanya berjalan lancar. AMEEN......


ok, i would like to share a little bit knowledge that i got from a book that is beduk diketuk, i really wanna read that book, and thought to buy it with BB1M. ok the first topic tell us about "tahu" and "sedar" is  two different thing. Ok, from my understanding la kan, i gave example, we learn Basic Themes of al Quran, than of course we got the knowledge, meaning that we know the thing e.g we cannot backbitting, it is sinful, but if we just hafal or know that thing just only to answer the exam, than that is the different between knowing and realizing. If we really realise that ilmu, than we apply it in our life not only in exam paper. So, all the thing we had in our mind, we must put it it our heart also. ok thats enough la for this time, thank you

Tuesday, 15 January 2013



The title is quite weird right? I think because I wanna write many things so, its ok la the title like that....

First and foremost, wahhh dh mcm nk tulis essay,...ok I just wanna share about my birthday, Alhamdulillah, my family and I celebrated my birthday at a restaurant and that is my first time to eat a very large, maybe next time I can go there with you all. ^_^ ok, usually people potong cake on their birthday, but me, potong burger.....alhamdulillah...., sorry the picture ada kat atas....

my little brother....

that is me...

Other than talk about that, i also wanna share about, the power of niat, I heard from tv, the ustaz said.... when we really ikhlas to do something, then, we will got the extraordinary power to do the things... and semua tu datangnya daripada Allah SWT. Actually, the ustaz told a story to correlate the story with the main idea, but maybe next time i'll tell you guys... ok make our new azam to always ikhlas...

I also want to share about health, I still remember, my teacher Pn. Rohaiza that taught me chemistry, during my form 5, teacher said, minyak masak tu, yg kite guna nk masak tu, hanya boleh guna maximum, 2 KALI... sahaja, ok???....its very dangerous to use it more than that, so bila dah kahwin nnti, ada family, selalu la masak kat rumah.... lebih selamat, right?... klau nk beli kat kedai tu, usha2 ckit minyak yg dorg gne....bukannya suruh mmbazir minyak tu, tapi eh kejap, jgn salah faham, mksud aku, selalunya bila kita masak, kan ada minyak lebih dlm kuali tu, so msti rasa syg nk buang, and ada yg kitar semula, klau nk kitar semula pun, after dh guna skali, bleh guna lg skali je ok???
Hopefully, faham la kan, laen kali, x payah la guna minyak bnyk2

reminder for myself and others, ok....
i have a special pantun for you guys

ikan yu, ikan lumba lumba,
banyak sungguh di Laut China Selatan,
tahun baru, baru je tiba,
sama samalah kita berhijrah ke arah kebaikan.

sorry la klau x logik pntun tu, nnti aku edit ok, hmmmm rushing nie, bye, THANK YOU very much....

Monday, 7 January 2013

sanah helwah...


Today is 7th January... so I am officially 19 today... thanks a lot for those who always be with me, thanks 4 all the wishes, thanks 4 remembering me, even jauh @ dekat, never forget kewujudan aku,....

what else to write???.. dont forget i celebrate my birthday, twice a year... so my second birthday is on 25th Rejab  or 4th June.

Alhamdulillah , i still have the opportunity to celebrate my 19th birthday... so hopefully i will improve myself to become a better person. This is what my boss said to me - perlu lebihkan dalam berkomunikasi dan berkongsi idea. Saya yakin anda boleh! ^_^ # In shaa Allah. - boss. So, i'll try my best ok... if there is anything i have to improve, just tell me because i am the ordinary people...

thanks for accept me in this life, i hope i can share interesting and meaningful things in this blog, and i really hope  that i can modify my boring blog nie ok....

Friday, 4 January 2013

Sigma - Istikharah Cinta + Lirik Lagu

Du'a feat Ustaz Amal - Sahaja Aku Mencintai Mu (Official Music Video)

edcoustic [menjadi diriku]



Today, I got a little bit knowledge..., so I would like to share, sebarkanlah ilmu walaupun sepotong ayat....

Saya/  aku/ kite nie ibarat semut je.....
dh mcm trademark sye dh.... sorry la hri nie terbahasakan diri saya plak.
Actually just now, ustazah Laila said  about qanaah... u know what is that? the meaning is bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.... ustazah gave example like this.....kekadang ada orang yg keje cleaner or nelayan... dorg selalu cakap, aku nie... cleaner je.... x baik la jgn ckp camtu, at least keje dye tu halal, ustazah kata...walaupun keje dye x hebat, tapi dye bg manfaat kat orang lain...dpt pahala, bukan la maksudnya kita kena pasrah je dgn kesusahan hidup, kita kena la usaha juga....usaha bersungguh - sungguh,.... never forget to say Alhamdulillah... with all that Allah SWT gave to us....tu la yg saya faham, apa yang ustazah cakap.... klau salah betulkan la ea....

Actuallly nk kaitkan dengan kehidupan saya... saya selalu rasa rendah diri, sbb tu slalu cakap aku nie ibarat semut je... masa kat sekolah, kat cfs, saya nie x de la pegang jawatan yang tinggi, sye jd orang biasa je. Baru saya tau walaupun saya ni orang biasa je, buat kerja yang kecik2 je, tapi benda yang kecik nie la yang menyebabkan benda yang besar tu jadi, betul x? Yang penting ikhlas.... dan niat tu, penting....lagipun, sye mana la mampu nk jadi head of bureau, or, assistant program manager, amanah terhadap jawatan2 tu sangat la berat, and x layak for me... Allah knows the best for us

Maafkan saya klau x faham apa yang saya tulis nie

Nk cakap juga pasal rakyat palestin, doa dan boikot barangan yahudi tu, walaupun nmpak kecil, tapi kita still kena bantu saudara2 kita yang kesusahan tu, masa tu, saya ada dengar penceramah nie cakap, ingat x kisah Nabi Ibrahim a.s kne bakar, masa tu ada burung nie dye ulang alik ambil air nk padamkan api tu, walaupun air yg burung tu ambik  sikit je, tapi dengan  kuasa Allah SWT  terpadam juga api tu...

Harapnya apa yang saya sampaikan ni, mmberi manfaat untuk orang lain, saya masih belajar.... masih banyak benda saya x tau.... klau ada yang salah, TOLONG lah betulkan ea.. minta maaf sangat.... klau ada yang salah, @ yang x patut ditulis....