Assalamualaikum wbt
Actually, x tau nak bagi tajuk apa, so main tulis je....Okay, for the previous post, i gave teka teki but nobody answered. Fine.... aku nie ibarat semut je.... ok, jawapannye ialah telur, doa dan sebab budak tu x sampai nak tekan button lift tu.
Aku still nak bagi teka teki tapi versi islamik. 1, nama lain perang ahzab. 2, surah yang diakhiri dengan tasbih dan surah seterusnya dimulai dengan tasbih. I take this question from Gen Q.
Now, is my sem break. In shaa Allah still have one semester to be finished at CFS. okay, i really miss sem 3. The best sem ever.... and the bussiest sem ever. Alhamdulillah... everything was okay. Ada yang gembira ada yang sedih. Benda yang best tu, contohnya..... SMAC. Best, sebab semangat kesukanan + semangat perpaduan. Semua warga econss turun cheer, bagi semangat untuk athletes ECONSS..... terima kasih2 pemain econs. Alhamdulillah econss dapat no. 4 and dapat high spirited team. i love econss. Yang x best nye pulak kami yang datang dari gombak dilayan macam .........aku paling x bleh tahan time sepak takraw, disebabkan aku duty la aku terpaksa duduk kat situ, klau x dah lama aku blah. rasa sedih sngt. dorang halau econss. sedih kot. Tapi xpe la bnda dah berlalu. X baek la... lupakan je la... lesson that i got, is we must always be patient, even people treat us badly. be cool. Bnyk lagi yg best, dapat gi KLCC with my special unit family before the end of sem3. i love special unit ^_^. Exploreeconss pun best.... bila join those kind of activities, we can eratkan ukhuwwah + dapat tambah kenalan (kenal ramai orang). There are many more stories. so, let the pictures tell the sories( tiru ayat org). But X bnyk pictures pun.... kne tunggu cameragirl upload dulu. Pictures give thousand meaning.....
fscc....................... aku copy gmbar nie sbb ada gmbar aku dgn atiqah.
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hisbah night and aku x ikut tema.... colour block.......(with roomates) zawani, adyra, aisyah, hafizah |
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classmate G916, next sem dah x sama, sob sob |
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