Monday, 9 September 2019

Be Grateful



     Okay actually I am in the phase of being positive. Well we are human. Feeling down, mental break down is something usual right? There are no people without problems. Everyone has problems. Actually going through the problems also a phase to make us mature right?... 

      I remembered En. Sazali once share with us that he went to listen to a kuliah maghrib and the ustaz was telling about a hadith. But can't remember who narrated the hadith and the status of the hadith. However the message is good and yeah... the hadith has the message of our destiny. It is like this. Kalau lah kita semua diberi peluang untuk tengok jalan hidup semua orang ats muka bumi ni, kita mmg x kan rasa nk jadi org lain. Kita akan bersyukur sgt dgn jln hidup yg Allah dh tentukan utk kita. For example kita akan rasa best nya jadi dia. Tp kalau kita tau jln kisah hidup yg Allah dh tentukan utk dia, kita x kan rasa nk jd dia. It is something like that. Hope it is understandable. As muslims, we must believe that Allah dh susun jalan hidup kita dgn sangat indah. Ujian yg Allah bg pun ujian yg kita mampu untuk hadapi. It is the matter of trust. Put your trust in Allah. 

        I feel very grateful for my life right now. Of course I feel down, sad. But remember dalam surah As Sharh Allah ulang dua kali bersama kesusahan ada kesenangan. Kadang2 tu sedih la bila doa x dimakbulkan lagi. Usaha, usaha dah, doa, doa dah.. tp nothing happen. Jd kena pujuk hati kita ckp Allah akan bg on the right time at the right place ok... I should be very grateful aku masih boleh bernafas, bercakap, melihat. Aku ada family, ada kawan. Aku x boleh bayangkan klau aku hidup sorang2. Aku bersyukur sbb ada org boleh terima perangai aku. Aku appreciate sgt org2 yg x lupa aku. Always be with me dlm susah dan senang. Kalau boleh aku nk sentiasa sebut nama kalian dlm doa aku. Semoga Allah merahmati kalian.

       Okay that's all I thought.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

It's me again


     Ustaz Ebit Liew said, when Allah gives u a very huge ujian, then Allah want to give u a very huge nikmat. I hope I'm still strong to face all this. It is a very hard time for me. Its okay.. pray for me please...

      I miss my pjh friend. I really wanna go to aniz and yen punya kenduri on 28/9 and 29/9. I really wanna meet them but if i still don't get a job, then I feel very shy to meet them. I though at that time I already get a job but i dont know laa. Penat laaa mcm ni. Bukannya nk merungut. I should feel grateful and blessed. However, ckp mmg senang nk buat tu tidakla semudah kata-kata. Nobody feels me... 

     Disebabkan I miss them a lot. I wanna post a lot of our pictures here not IG, fb... twitter maybe..

  Mira, ema, fina, athirah, kak dayah...

Az, mira, athirah, nik, fina, ema , pijo

I think I need this

Am, haikal, pijo, mira

Aina, sara, iklil, mas, ipah, mila, mira

Shikin, nik, athirah, kak dayah, wani, farah

Pijo, ema, mira, mila

Ni ramai sikit celebrate sara dpt kerja baru... untunglaaa........... Ijeni, ema, aina, nufa, fina, pijo, az, amy, mira, ayie....  so yg x de nadzrin, aniz, hazman, athirah, mila, mas , ipah, iklil.    

Hmmm cukupla tu kot... nk post kena cari gambar yg fully cover aurah.. susah sikit.. klau ada yg terlepas pandang jgnla tgk ye... nnti aku kne tanggung dosa... okay laaa semoga kita dpt berkumpul lg mcm ni dkt syurga nnti okay.. yg paling best kita gather semua bawak partner masing2 yeee... teringat Abil ckp knape nk sedih sbb kne berpisah... nnti kat syurga kan boleh jumpa lagi.... mohon maaf salah silap yeee.. pray for me. jazakumullahu kheir.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019


          Ya Allah, jika hari ini aku berasa kecewa, berasa terluka,
Sedarkanlah aku bahawa Engkau memiliki rencana yang lebih indah buatku.
Engkau tahu bagaimana lelahnya aku berjuang,
Bagaimana kerasnya aku berjuang,
Bagaimana sulitnya aku berjuang,
Namun ketika segala ikhtiar yang kulakukan pada akhirnya tak sesuai inginku,
Ketika pada akhirnya aku kecewa kerana aku tak dapat meraih mimpiku,
Jangan biarkan aku berputus asa daripada rahmatMu ya Allah,
Jangan biarkan aku berasa kecewa padaMu,
Jangan biarkan aku berpaling dariMu,
Jangan biarkan aku berhenti memohon padaMu,
Sedarkan aku bahawa Engkau telah menyiapkan sesuatu yang lebih baik.
Sedarkan aku bahawa Engkau telah merencanakan sesuatu yang lebih indah buatku,
Sedarkan aku ya Allah, agar aku senantiasa tetap berharap hanya kepadaMu,
Agar Engkau menjadi satu - satunya tempat untukku memohon.

Credit to the unknown author from FB.

Buat masa skrg ni aku mmg x contact siapa2 kecuali org cari aku sbb aku segan. Aku sorang ja yg still cari kerja x dpt2. Org lain semua dh berjaya. Aku mmg segan sgt nk jmpa siapa2 pun skrg. Nk komen ig ke nk upload status ke semua aku x buat sbb aku x nak org tnye aku tgh buat apa skrg??... Sedih laa hari2 down. takut dpt mental illness pulak. I hope I am strong to face all this. Biasa la iman manusia kan turun naik. Kejap rasa okay kejap lg rasa dh x da harapan. Camtu laa hidup ni. please pray for me. :)

Monday, 29 April 2019

Mar'18 - Mar'19


       Hi everyone... Today I wanna write about my journey or my experience being a graduate trainee at PjH. Allah already a plan fro each of us right? Allah knows where with whom the best for us. Then we must always be grateful.

     Allah takdirkan for me to be there for one year. Even I never thought to be there for one year. I keep on searching new job during that one year. What to do is not my rezeki yet to get a job. So I finished my contract there. Its okay then I feel relieved. Actually it's not that easy for me to stay there. It was really challenging phase for me. Crying and me cannot be separated. However, Allah hadirkan my lovely friend that always be with me during that one year. Alhamdulillah. Enough k.

    For the first month i worked there, I just work went to office every day. There are 20 of us for that program. I was among the earlier within that 20 people. So we have to wait until 20 people then we would have our classroom training. The classroom training was held for 20 days. Best sangat. Everyday semangat nk gi training. So let see some pictures

First Day. Met new friends from other department.


Enough la tu ... then, we enter to the month of Ramadan. It was my first time to break fast with my friends merata rata tempat. Best sangat. Memang merapatkan hubungan silaturahim.
Most of my 19 friends nie call me 'D', or dee. Sukahatilah nk eja camne asalkan bunyi di. It was because of we have two asma. Cam x biasa.. dari kat stf lg camtu... hehe. Okay since they call me with that name so everyone that knew me from them will call me that as well. Then they asked what is your real name?... haha.. However, akak2 department call me asma, so when they heard me being called with that name dorg mcm pelik. Hmm dekat department aku tu mmg aku selalu la kne bahan. Ada je bnda.. redha je lahh..., I have department angkat or adopted haha.... Since I always go to credit leasing departmet, so I be friend la with them. Dorg baik. I always join them main beskal hehe. Best tau main beskal round putrajaya.

I always joined Mira and Pijo during the weekends since mira has her car. So I enjoyed having short vacay with them.

During Ramadan, we went to a CSR program organised by Corporate Com. We went to Olak Lempit. Break fast with adik2 that are so cute. We wanna make them happy.

Other than that, we ( 20 of us but not all pun) also joined other activities sepanjang dekat PjH. 
Health Talk.

Galactic Greenovators
Pesta Air Oxygenation

Mengecat tangga Alamanda.

District 21 program KSRPJH

 Okay lastly, we went to kayaking at presint 8 if i not mistaken, Pusat air something like that laa...

I forgot to introduce my department friends. We are in one section but different department. They are the one that I always went lunch with because we usually went lunch quite late. Thank you sangat all of you... banyak sangat tolong kite love all of you...

Okayyy thats alll byeeee ... Selamat memasuki bulan Ramadan. Semoga Ramadan kali nie lebih bermakna dan lebih baik  okayyy... Dalam doa2 kalian tu selitkan la nama saya ye... Kesian saya... Semoga dipermudahkan urusan aku untuk dapat kerja... X de idea nk buat apa skrg. I wanna manfaatkan umur yg Allah bg nie utk perkara yg boleh jd bekalan akhirat nnti. I have one more wish actually but cannot be written here laa segan .. harapnya doa makbul. Ameen

Tuesday, 26 March 2019



Alhamdulillah.... I never thought that I could stand  ( saya mampu bertahan ) here for 1 year. It was a really tough time for me. The stress that I felt sometimes made me down and I wanna be alone. However, I feel blessed to have my sl1m friends that always made me smiles and laugh. Even, sometimes ada la terasa hati sikit. haha biasala manusia... 

  Dulu masa Sara still kat pjh, aku tumpang dia. Tp sara mmg every day nk balik kol 6. Aku dkt department finance tu susah sikit nk kluar awal. Asyik kena marah je .Ye la syik lambat... Smpai gaduh x bercakap la .. nasib baik lps tu baik balik.. hehe . sara baik ,x berkira ,suka bake. Then after sara dh kluar, aku tumpang mira. Tp x selalu laaa sbb segan . Jauh mira nk hntr aku pastu balik rumah dia balik. Tp aku suka lepak makan dgn mira & pijo after office. Klau jmpe mira and pijo x gelak mmg x sah laaa.... 

Assma salsabila selalu teman aku. Aku pun dgn dia bnyk share kisah2 peribadi. Other than her, rapat juga dgn kawn2 finance. They are the one that I always lunch with. Ye la x boleh nk kluar lunch awal dgn kwn2 sl1m department lain. So kitorang lunch sesame kite je... Ada Atirah, nik, farah, Shikin, Wani, kak dayah, fizo juga kekadang. Wani selalu nk kenalkan aku dgn sepupu, dgn kawan dia... sama gak mcm pijo.. tp setakat ni xde apa2 yg serious lg. 
Sbb nmpak  mak mcm nk tgk aku kahwin.. haritu kak cik (my sis ) buat kecoh " mak .. kak kan.........." dia nk citer pasal phone aku batery berasap tu je tp kecoh dia tu mak aku ingat " haa kenapa dia nak kahwin, nk bawak jumpa marka dia ka? mana gmbr?? ... haa gittew excitednyee... Inshaa Allah one day... 

Okay laaa enough laa life must go on right??

These are some of the pictures tp gmbr farewell with akak2 department x upload pulak. Next time ea..

Sunday, 13 January 2019


                            Assalamualaikum. .

Alhmadulillah on 7th January 2019, I'm 25 already. Time move very fast.
  This year is my first year celebrate my birthday at office. I thought nobody remember my birthday. Then suddenly kak yani asked me is today (7/1) my birthday? Hmm then everyone pun knew about my birthday. . My sl1m friend knew sbb trcakap. . ter tau x, sengaja ...

I'm not expecting any birthday celebration. However on the next day tu 2 kali celebrate mkn cake... So sweet laaa... Thank you sgt. Thank you buat sy happy. To all who made wishes  and doa, thank you very much . Thank you sgt2... Semoga doa2 tu Allah makbulkan and doa2 tu kmbali to those yg mndoakan ...

Weekend ni pun not plan to go back home. However, Allah izin smpai rumah then celebrate dgn family pulak. Thank you my family members.

Jazakumullahu khairul jazak.. ayah mak adik2, kawan2 , akak2 office. 😘😘😘😘😘