Hi everyone... Today I wanna write about my journey or my experience being a graduate trainee at PjH. Allah already a plan fro each of us right? Allah knows where with whom the best for us. Then we must always be grateful.
Allah takdirkan for me to be there for one year. Even I never thought to be there for one year. I keep on searching new job during that one year. What to do is not my rezeki yet to get a job. So I finished my contract there. Its okay then I feel relieved. Actually it's not that easy for me to stay there. It was really challenging phase for me. Crying and me cannot be separated. However, Allah hadirkan my lovely friend that always be with me during that one year. Alhamdulillah. Enough k.
For the first month i worked there, I just work went to office every day. There are 20 of us for that program. I was among the earlier within that 20 people. So we have to wait until 20 people then we would have our classroom training. The classroom training was held for 20 days. Best sangat. Everyday semangat nk gi training. So let see some pictures
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First Day. Met new friends from other department. |
Enough la tu ... then, we enter to the month of Ramadan. It was my first time to break fast with my friends merata rata tempat. Best sangat. Memang merapatkan hubungan silaturahim.
Most of my 19 friends nie call me 'D', or dee. Sukahatilah nk eja camne asalkan bunyi di. It was because of we have two asma. Cam x biasa.. dari kat stf lg camtu... hehe. Okay since they call me with that name so everyone that knew me from them will call me that as well. Then they asked what is your real name?... haha.. However, akak2 department call me asma, so when they heard me being called with that name dorg mcm pelik. Hmm dekat department aku tu mmg aku selalu la kne bahan. Ada je bnda.. redha je lahh..., I have department angkat or adopted haha.... Since I always go to credit leasing departmet, so I be friend la with them. Dorg baik. I always join them main beskal hehe. Best tau main beskal round putrajaya.
I always joined Mira and Pijo during the weekends since mira has her car. So I enjoyed having short vacay with them.
During Ramadan, we went to a CSR program organised by Corporate Com. We went to Olak Lempit. Break fast with adik2 that are so cute. We wanna make them happy.
Other than that, we ( 20 of us but not all pun) also joined other activities sepanjang dekat PjH.
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Health Talk. |
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Galactic Greenovators |
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Pesta Air Oxygenation |
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Mengecat tangga Alamanda. |
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District 21 program KSRPJH |
Okay lastly, we went to kayaking at presint 8 if i not mistaken, Pusat air something like that laa...
I forgot to introduce my department friends. We are in one section but different department. They are the one that I always went lunch with because we usually went lunch quite late. Thank you sangat all of you... banyak sangat tolong kite love all of you...
Okayyy thats alll byeeee ... Selamat memasuki bulan Ramadan. Semoga Ramadan kali nie lebih bermakna dan lebih baik okayyy... Dalam doa2 kalian tu selitkan la nama saya ye... Kesian saya... Semoga dipermudahkan urusan aku untuk dapat kerja... X de idea nk buat apa skrg. I wanna manfaatkan umur yg Allah bg nie utk perkara yg boleh jd bekalan akhirat nnti. I have one more wish actually but cannot be written here laa segan .. harapnya doa makbul. Ameen
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