Sunday 4 February 2018

Keep calm and try to improve ourselves.


          I knew I should only write something that has ibrah. I should share something beneficial but I am a normal person. I am alone. I knew the best place to share problems or to say anything is during 3/4 of night. Tell to Allah. So, we must do that okay. On Friday, I listened to Ustaz Ebit Liew. He said that we must bersangka baik dengan Allah. Actually banyak sangat benda2 yg mententuh hati. You can find Usatz Ebit liew punya ceramah at youtube as well. 

          Before I forget, today, 4/2/18 is Fayyad's birthday. Fayyad is kak Farah's son. He is 1 year old today. He is so cuteeeee. Teringat dekat babies dkt uia. So, I should tell happy story only right. 

          Okay, life is complicated right. I feel like I am more comfortable in uia. What I mean is when in uia , I can go to halaqah easily. I can join program, meeting anytime. Nobody cares. But now, I have to jaga hati for both sides. They want me to join them. I am okay but at the other side, I have to explain everything to my parents. They don't understand. I cannot think of my future. Its okay .. Allah knows what is the best for me. Allah tu baik.

            During I went to uia b4 convocation, I had the chance to join sharing session before iftar. It was kak Amnani's turn. She always be called as Kak Ina. Kak Ina said, we must know the 'sirah' of Islam. The sahabat and sahabiah. So, when I arrived home, I found history book on Umar Abdul Aziz and Sultan Muhammad al Fateh. I really have to find more. We must increase our knowledge. Okay, actually I wanna share on Sultan Muhammad al Fateh. Before reading the book, I thought that Sultan Muhammad al Fateh just easily won the battle and got the Konstantinopel. However, it was not that easy. They took a long time in the battle. Many things happened and they almost putus asa. Sultan Muhammad al Fateh is a very pious man. The armies and citizen all are good and pious. Mereka sentiasa solat , mohon petunjik Allah dan akhirnya Allah bagi kemenangan untuk Sultan Muhammad Al Fateh. Jadinya, nak mendapat kejayaan tu bukan senang. Even, seorang sultan yang hebat pun Allah uji dengan bermacam dugaan sebelum nak menang. apatah lagi kita yang tak hebat nie lagi lah banyak dugaan. Allah bagi ujian tu sebab nak tingkatkan darjat kita. Sultan Muhammad al Fateh meletakkan 100% keyakinan dan kepercayaan kepada Allah. Kita pun kena buat macam tu. Kena yakin dengan Allah. Orang yang bersabar nie reward dia besar. tak disangka sangka. Actually, I wanna relate the story with my life but let me and Allah only know okayyy.... 

Jzakumullahu khairal jazak... 

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